Monday, January 10, 2005

Semi-Finalist - More Shamelessness

TIA has made it to the semifinals in at least two categories in the 3rd Annual Koufax Awards for left-leaning blogs. Somewhat improbably, TIA has moved on to the second round in the Best Blog by a Non-Professional/Sponsored Blog cateogry. Due to the fact that TIA is not as highly trafficked as some of the heavy hitters in that category, I don't think I have much of a shot, but hey, if you want to vote for me, you can leave a comment here or you can e-mail MB at (wampum at maine dot rr dot com). If not a vote for TIA, I would urge my readers to vote for either Legal Fiction or Road To Surfdom (I'm hunting other game anyway, as I'll explain below). Although there are many very worthy semi-finalists, and I can't say that I am familiar enough with most of them to pass judgment, for me personally those two are standouts (and from the look of things in the comments section, Legal Fiction is getting a good turnout, but hey, we haven't yet unleased the legion of the Totally Informed). In addition, Legal Fiction was nominated for Best Writing and Best Expert Blog (showoff).

In the category of
Best Group Blog, the two deserving of a vote, for my money, are Liberals Against Terrorism and Obsidian Wings. There are other categories as well, and more that will be added in the upcoming days so give Wampum a thorough perusing (the categories are compiled in the upper left corner).

For TIA, I think the best shot is in the
Best New Blog category. I only started in May of this year, so I'm a perfect fit for this event in Left Blogistan's Olympics. My interest is really in upping the profile over here a bit and attracting more readers and commenters. Improving on the visibility of the little community we have begun to form over here and at other related sites would be aided greatly by a spot in the finals. So venture forth Informationeers and spread the love here or to the e-mail address mentioned above.

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