Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I Blame Martin Luther King, Jr.

A nice addendum to my previous post. This is from commenter Ed on Eric Muller's site:

MLK on 4/18/59 addressed how he wanted to be eulogized at his funeral:

"I'd like somebody to mention that day, that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to give his life serving others. I'd like for somebody to say that day, that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to love somebody. I want you to say that day, that I tried to be right on the war question. I want you to be able to say that day, that I did try, in my life, to clothe those who were naked. I want you to say, on that day, that I did try, in my life, to visit those who were in prison. I want you to say that I tried to love and serve humanity.

Yes, if you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice; say that I was a drum major for peace; I was a drum major for righteousness."
Sounds like exactly what Rev. Lowery and Pres. Carter said about his partner in that lifelong cause doesn't it?
What Ed and this "Martin Luther King, Jr." guy don't realize, but what Michelle Malkin, Glenn Reynolds, et al. understand and have taken the pains to point out, is that Martin Luther King, Jr. is inappropriately disrespecting himself by asking for his funeral to involve a discussion of politics. Shameless. Tacky. Oh, the humanity.

And vicariously, this MLK character is recklessly inviting the same kind of incident at Coretta's funeral. Although, by example, Coretta's life also invited such undignified behavior, we'll give her a pass for the time being.

So maybe we should stop blaming the Democrats and Coretta's family, lifelong friends, peers and associates for bringing up the political struggles of Coretta at her memorial service.

The record speaks for itself. The smoking gun is in hand: Martin Luther King, Jr. is to blame.

'Nuff said.

[UPDATE: Speaking of that crass character Martin Luther King, Jr., looks like some of his fellow Civil Rights crusaders took his tacky request to talk about political issues at his funeral quite literally. From the eulogy of L. Harold DeWolf, Martin Luther King's dissertation advisor at Boston University's School of Theology and dean of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC from 1965 to 1972 (via Atrios):

It is now for us, all the millions of the living who care, to take up his torch of love. It is for us to finish his work, to end the awful destruction in Vietnam, to root out every trace of race prejudice from our lives, to bring the massive powers of this nation to aid the oppressed and to heal the hate-scarred world.
Unfortunately for America, we didn't have clear-sighted people like Glenn Reynolds and Michelle Malkin around in 1968 who could have pointed out to Mr. DeWolf and others how lacking in grace they were, how inappropriate their actions had been and how their naked power grab was so uncouth. After all, these Civil Rights crusaders in 1968 lacked the dignity of the other mythical conservative version of the Civil Rights movement in 1968 that exists only in Glenn Reynolds' head, revisionist historical accounts and other assorted fantasy lands. If only there was an InstaPundit around in 1968. Instead, all we had were these shoddy and inadequate real life versions of MLK, Coretta and L. Harold DeWolf - prone to (gasp) talk about political issues at the funerals of political leaders. Sigh. Oh the humanity.]

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